Macarrones a la Crema 1946 (Macaroni with Cream)

This creamy and cheesy macarrones a la crema (macaroni and cream) is the perfect side dish for Christmas. It comes together easily and will be a big hit with the kids.

About Especialidades Para Navidad y Fin de Año

This recipe is from the 1946 cookbook Especialidades para Navidad Fin de Año y día de Reyes by Josefina Velázquez de León and published by her own publishing house Ediciones J. Velázquez de León.

This is her first Christmas cookbook and it includes everything from cocktails to salads, mains, desserts, and baked goods. It also contains pictures of the most intricate recipes, like these macarrones a la crema . The recipes range from traditional Mexican to “modern” recipes. 

Velazquez de Leon, Josefina. Especialidades para Navidad, Fin de Año y Día de Reyes. Mexico, D.F.: Academia de Cocina, 1946. [TX739.2.C45 V45 1946]

Velázquez de León, Josefina. Especialidades para Navidad, Fin de Año y Día de Reyes.

About Josefina Velazquez de León

Josefina Velázquez de León could easily be considered Mexico’s first celebrity chef. Between 1930 and 1960, she published over 140 cookbooks, ran a cooking school in Mexico City, hosted a TV show, wrote a magazine column, and even founded her own publishing house.

She was a trailblazer in celebrating regional cuisine, traveling across the country to highlight the diverse flavors of every state while giving credit to the women behind the recipes. The UTSA Special Collections Library houses nearly all of Josefina’s works—schedule a visit today!

Original Recipe

9. MacarRones a la Crema (17-18)


250 gramos de macarrón; 100 gramos de jamón cocido; 100 gramos de mantequilla; 100 gramos de queso Amarillo; 1/8 litro de crema; 2 cebollas; 400 gramos de jitomate; 1 cucharada de perejil picado; 2 pimientos morrones; 1 yema de huevo cocido; 1 cucharada de chícharos cocidos; Yerbas de olor, sal, y pimiento.

Manera de Hacerse:

El macarrón se pone a cocer en dos litros de agua hirviendo con una cebolla, yerbas de olor, sal y pimiento, ya cocido se lava y escurre bien; en un platón refractario Redondo untado de mantequilla, se pone una capa del macarrón, otra de la salsa de queso rallado y trocitos de mantequilla, así hasta terminar, se mete al horno a que dore y al sacarlo ya para servirse se le forma una flor de Noche Buena con tiritas de pimiento morrón, en el centro se le pone la yema cocida pasada por un colador fino y sobre la yema, se ponen los chícharos cocidos.

Manera de hacer la salsa:

En la mitad de la mantequilla, se fríe una cebolla finamente picada, se le agrega el jamón cortado en cuadritos cuando empieza a dorar, se agrega el jitomate asado, molido y colado, el perejil picado, sal y pimiento, se deja hervir y cuando espesa se retira del fuego, se le agrega la crema y se pone con los macarrones.

Translated Recipe

9. Macaroni with cream (17-18)


250 grams macaroni; 100 grams cooked ham; 100 grams butter; 100 grams yellow cheese; 1/8 liter of cream; 2 onions; 400 grams of red tomatoes; 1 tablespoon of chopped parsley; two red bell peppers; 1 boiled egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of cooked peas; yerbas de olor, salt, and pepper.

Note: Yerbas de Olor refers to a fragrant herb mix, such as bay leaf, marjoram, rosemary, and thyme)

Manner of Preparation:

Cook the macaroni in two liters of boiling water with one onion, fragrant herbs (bay leaf, marjoram, rosemary, thyme), salt and pepper. When cooked, rinse and drain well. In a round, buttered baking dish put a layer of macaroni, another of shredded cheese sauce and bits of butter, and so on till you run out of ingredients. Place in the oven to brown. To serve, use strips of bell pepper to form a poinsettia flower on top and in the center place the egg yolk passed through a fine sieve, and over the egg yolk, arrange the cooked peas.

Manner of preparation for the sauce:

In half the butter, fry one onion (finely chopped), add the ham (chopped into pieces) till they begin to brown. Add the tomatoes (roasted, ground, and strained), the chopped parsley, salt, and pepper. Allow to simmer till thick and then remove from the heat. Add the cream and layer with the macaroni.

Making Macarrones a la Crema Step by Step

Roast tomatoes on a comal until they are charred and begin to soften or in the airfryer at 385F for 6 minutes.

Puree the tomatoes and set aside.

Cook the macaroni in boiling salted water, with the onion, and herbs.

Heat oil in a skillet over medium-low heat and cook onion until tender.

Add the ham and cook for 3 to 4 minutes until it begins to brown.

Pour in the tomato puree and simmer for 5 minutes.

Add the parsley.

Add the crema and stir.

Add the shredded cheese.

In a casserole dish layer, macaroni, cheese sauce, and butter. Bake at 350°F for 15 minutes.

Once out of the oven top with bell peppers, grated egg yolk and peas.


Serve immediately out of the oven!


Store any leftovers in an airtight container in the fridge for up to 3 days.

Macarrones a la Crema (Macaroni with Cream)

This creamy and cheesy macarrones a la crema (macaroni and cream) is the perfect side dish for Christmas. It comes together easily and will be a big hit with the kids.
Servings 0


  • 4 large Roma tomatoes (400g)
  • 1 3/4 cup uncooked macaroni (250g)
  • 1 large white onions
  • yerbas de olor see note

Cheese Sauce

  • 1/2 cup unsalted butter, divided (100g)
  • 1 large white onion. finely chopped
  • 3/4 cup diced cooked ham (100g)
  • 1/2 cup Mexican crema (1/8 L)
  • 1 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • 1 1/2 cups grated cheddar cheese (100g)


  • 2 red bell peppers
  • 1 cooked egg yolk, grated


  • Preheat overn to 350°F.
  • Roast tomatoes on a comal until they are charred and begin to soften or in the airfryer at 385F for 6 minutes. Puree the tomatoes and set aside.
  • Cook the macaroni in two liters of boiling water with one onion, fragrant herbs (bay leaf, marjoram, rosemary, thyme), salt and pepper. When cooked, rinse and drain well.

Making the Sauce:

  • Heat half of the butter in a skillet over medium-low heat and cook onion until tender, about 5 to 6 minutes. Add the ham and cook until it begins to brown 3 to 4 minutes. Pour in the pureed tomatoes and simmer for 5 minutes or until the sauce slightly thickens and becomes a deep red color. Add the parsley and cream, stir to incorporate it. Remove from the heat and add the cheese.


  • In a round, buttered baking dish put a layer of macaroni, another of the cheese sauce and the remaining butter cut into cubes, and so on till you run out of ingredients. Bake for 15 minutes or until the top browns.


  • To serve, use strips of bell pepper to form a poinsettia flower on top and in the center place the egg yolk passed through a fine sieve, and over the egg yolk, arrange the cooked peas.


Yerbas de Olor refers to a fragrant herb mix, such as bay leaf, marjoram, rosemary, and thyme.
The original recipe doesn’t state what to do with the cheddar cheese, but refers to the sauce as the shredded cheese sauce. So I decided to incorporate it into the sauce. 
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