Rollo de Nuez / Nut Roll (1969)

Mexican Cookbook for American Homes (1969) by Josefina Velazquez de Leon and Irene Goldstein. UTSA Libraries Special Collections
Mexican Cookbook for American Homes (1969) by Josefina Velázquez de León and Irene Goldstein. UTSA Libraries Special Collections

Velázquez de León, Josefina, and Irene Goldstein. Mexican Cook Book for American Homes: Authentic Recipes from Every Region of the Mexican Republic; Adapted for Use in the United States, Central and South America. Mexico City, Mexico: s.n., 1969. [TX725.M49 D45 1969]

The third section of Josefina Velázquez de León’s bilingual cookbook, Mexican Cook Book for American Homes focuses on regional cuisine. Each sub-section opens with a brief description of a Mexican state and follows with several characteristic recipes.

This week, we take a little trip to Coahuila, just on the other side of the border from Texas, which is described as follows:

Estado del Norte y frontera con los Estados Unidos; agrícola, rico en cereals y frutas; de clima templado y frío, con abundante ganadería. / A northern state, bordering on the United States; agricultural and cattle raising predominantly; rich in grains and fruits; climate temperate.

Rollo de Nuez / Nut Roll (238-239)

  • 225 gramos de nuez picada / 2 cups chopped walnutsa
  • 225 gramos de corazones de nuez / ½ lb. walnut sections
  • 225 gramos de corazones de nuez / ½ lb. walnut sections
  • 225 gramos de glucose / 1 cup corn syrup
  • 450 gramos de azúcar / 2 cups sugar
  • 225 gramos de pasitas / 1 ½ cups raisins
  • 60 gramos de mantequilla / 4 tablespoons butter
  • 1 litro de leche / 1 cup cream
  • ¼ litro de crema / 1 qt. milk
  • 1 vaina de vainilla / ¼ tsp. baking soda
  • ¼ cucharadita de biccarbonato / 1 vanilla pod

Se pone al fuego la leche, el azúcar, la vainilla, la mantequilla, la crema y dos cucharadas de glucose. / Combine the milk, the sugar, the vanilla, the butter, cream and 2 tablespoons corn syrup. Cook until the mixture begins to thicken, then add the soda and continue cooking.

Cuando empieza a espesar se agrega el carbonato y, cuando está bastante espeso, se ponen las pasas y la nuez finamente piecada. Viéndosele el fondo al cazo, se retira; se bate hasta que forma una pasta que se amasa un poco. / When the mixture is very thick, add the raisins and finely chopped walnuts. Let cook until the bottom of the pan is visible. Remove from the flame and beat into a paste.

Se forma un rollo, se cubre con glucose; sobre la glucose se colocan los corazones de nuez, uno junto a otro, procurando cubran muy bien el rollo. / Knead and roll the paste. Cover with corn syrup and then with walnut halves placed close together so as to cover the whole surface.

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