Arroz Verde (Green Rice), 1975

Arroz Verde (Green Rice)

Vidal, Patricia. Cocina Vegetariana Mexicana. México : Gomez-Gomez Hnos., 1975. [TX716 .M4 V53 1975]

Arroz Verde


1 taza de arroz; 6 chiles poblanos; ½ cebolla; 1 diente de ajo; 100 gramos de queso fresco; ¼ de litro de crema; 1 rama de epazote.


Se lava en agua caliente el arroz y se escurre. En un sartén se calienta la manteca vegetal y se dora ahí el arroz con la cebolla y ajo, cuando el arroz se ve transparente sin dorar, see añade tres tazas de agua caliente y dos chiles asados, pelados y molidos con media taza de agua, sazone con sal y ponga el epazote hirviendo a fuego suave. Por separado se asan, limpian y cortan en rajas los otros chiles poniéndolos encima del arroz poco antes de que este cocido, vierta la crema y el queso desmoronado poco antes de servir.

Green Rice


1 cup rice, 6 chiles poblanos, ½ onion, 1 clove garlic, 100 grams of queso fresco, ¼ liter of cream, 1 sprig of epazote.



Wash the rice in hot water and drain. In a skillet, heat the vegetable shortening and saute the rice, with the onion and garlic. When the rice is transparent without browning, see add three cups of hot water and two chiles (roasted, peeled and mashed with ½ cup water), season with salt and the epazote, and boil over low heat. Separately roast, clean, and cut into slices the other peppers and put tem on top the rice, just a little before it finishes cooking. Pour the cream and crumbled cheese over the rice just before serving.

In the Kitchen…

This recipe is both simple and delicious. The total preparation and cooking time was close to an hour, with the majority of that time spent roasting the poblano peppers in the oven.

If you do not have access to an open flame to roast the peppers, begin by pre-heating your oven to 350° F and cook the poblano peppers between 40-50 minutes or until their skin begins to blacken.

Roasted Poblanos after 40 minutes at 350°F.

After removing the skins and seeds from the poblanos, mash 2 of the poblanos (or purée in a blender) with 1/2 cup of warm water and set aside. Chop the remaining 4 poblanos and set aside for serving.

Begin heating oil in a pot, along with 1 cup of rice, 1/2 medium onion, and a clove of garlic. Once the rice begins to take on a slightly translucent color, add the poblano and water purée along with 3 cups of hot water, seasoning with salt and a sprig of epazote. Bring to a simmer and cook uncovered for ~ 15-20 minutes until all of the water is absorbed by the rice.

Arroz Verde (Green Rice)

Before serving, add a generous garnish of the remaining diced poblanos, along with a healthy dollop of Mexican crema and queso fresco. Buen provecho!

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