Fruit Skewers, 1992

by Nathalie Burack.

Atkinson, Soja G. The Aztec way to healthy eating. New York: Paragon House, 1992.

Fruit Skewers

1/3 cup honey
1/3 cup orange juice
3 Bananas
1 Fresh Pineapple
2 Oranges
2 Apples
1 Mango
1 Papaya
wooden skewers or kebab sticks
Note: Canned peach halves can be substituted for the mango or papaya.

Slice the fruit into thick pieces. Coat with mixture of 1/3 cup Honey and 1/4 cup orange juice. Place skewers in the broiler for 5 to 7 min. Let cool and eat.

fruit skewers 2

Kitchen Notes:
I only used 1 banana, 1 orange, 1apple, and probably a third of pineapple. I was not able to find really fresh mango or papaya so I left those out. One thing that the recipe does not mention (and that I only remembered to do at the last minutes) is to soak the wooden skewers before spearing the fruit with them. Wooden skewers should be soaked for at least 20 minutes before use. I only had time to let mine soak for 5min or so (which was better than nothing). The fruit skewers turned out to be really good. Really, I’m not sure how you could mess up fruit with honey and orange juice. It was a really easy recipe; it took about 10-15 minutes to cut up the fruit and put the pieces on the skewers. I broiled them for 7 minutes.

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