Salsa de Tomate Verde / Green Salsa

by Ellen Lutz

Paso, Socorro del and Fernando del Paso. La Cocina Mexicana de Socorro y Fernando del Paso. Mexico: Editorial Diana, 2003. [TX716 .M4 P376 2003]

Salsa de Tomate Verde (pp. 68)

  • 30 g. de chiles verdes
  • 340 g. de tomate verde
  • 25 g. de cebolla
  • 2 cucharadas de cilantro, fresco picado
  • 1 diente de ajo
  • sal

Los chiles se ponen a hervir unos tres minutos. Se le quita el líquido a los tomates verdes y se muelen en licuadora con el resto de los ingredientes: la cebolla, el diente de ajo, el cilantro y los chiles, éstos ya escurridos y sin tallos. La cantidad de chile depende, como siempre, de la afición que se tenga por el picante.

Green Salsa


  • 30 g. green chiles
  • 340 g. tomatillos
  • 25 g. onion
  • 2 tablespoons fresh chopped cilantro
  • 1 garlic clove
  • sal
Salsa verde Ingredients
Salsa verde Ingredients


Boil the chiles for 3 minutes. Remove the fluid/flesh from the tomatillos and blend in a blender with the rest of the ingredients: onion, garlic, cilantro, and the chiles (drained and with stems removed). The amount of chile you use depends, as always, on how spicy you like it.

In the kitchen…

Although I have always enjoyed cooking, this was my first attempt at making my own salsa, and I was pretty pleased with the outcome! Since the recipe directions were pretty basic, I consulted a couple other recipes for additional preparation tips. My first step was to boil the tomatillos until they were soft.

Boiling the tomatillos
Boiling the tomatillos

I worked on getting the “good” part of the tomatillos into the blender while the chiles boiled (and since I’m not a fan of raw onion, I added the onion in with the chiles to cook a bit). I wasn’t sure how well my blender would blend things, so I went ahead and cut the one chile I used into smaller chunks and squeezed the clove of garlic through a garlic press before blending.

Salsa verde finished
Salsa verde finished

About the only thing I would do differently when making this again is to increase the amount of ingredients – as listed, I only ended up with about 1 cup of salsa. If I’m going to the effort of making my own salsa, I’d like to have enough to use for awhile!

I ended up using all my salsa verde (mixed with some sour cream) as a sauce over a pan of chicken enchiladas.

Salsa verde in chicken enchiladas verdes
Salsa verde in chicken enchiladas verdes

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  1. it says to boil the chiles for 3 minutes. The picture shows the tomatillo boiling, not the chiles.

    1. Hi Eduardo, This particular recipe only specifies boiling the chiles, but after consulting other salsa verde recipes, Ellen found that some others call for boiling the tomatillos as well (separately), so she decided to do that, in hopes of making it easier to remove the skins.

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