Flautas de Pollo, 2001

For the second event in our 2011-2012 Culinary tour of Mexico, La Despedida student Cecilia Alvarado demonstrated the process of preparing delicious and crispy Flautas de Pollo or Chicken Flautas, served with lettuce, tomatoes, avocados, and pickled jalapeños.

The recipe for Flautas de Pollo from CONACULTA’s 2001 La Cocina Familiar en el Estado de Nuevo León is posted below, as well as on our September 28 Cooking Demo page.

Flautas de Pollo (p)

2 pechugas de pollo
1 k. tortillas
¼ litro de crema
4 aguacates
1 cebolla
1 jitomate
1 lata de chiles en vinagre
1 lechuga
Sal, al gusto

  1. Cocer las pechugas y desmenuzar.
  2. Rellenar las tortillas con el pollo caliente y enrollar.
  3. Freír en una sartén con aceite bien caliente.
  4. Sacar y colocar en un recipiente.
  5. Adornar con lechuga, rebanadas de jitomate y cebolla, rajas de chile, crema y trozos de aguacate.
  6. Rinde 10 raciones.

Chicken Flautas

2 chicken breasts
1 kilogram tortillas
¼ liter cream
4 avocados
1 onion
1 red tomato
1 can of pickled chiles
salt, to your taste

  1. Cook the chicken breasts and shred.
  2. Fill the tortillas with the hot chicken and roll up.
  3. Fry in a skillet with very hot oil.
  4. Remove and place in a bowl.
  5. Garnish with lettuce, slices of tomato and onion, strips of chile, cream, and slices of avocado.
  6. Makes 10 servings.
Note: You may also want to refer to the “Shredded Chicken Recipe” posted on our August 29th Cooking Demo page. Also, to help keep the flautas wrapped tightly while frying, secure each one with a toothpick.

chicken flautas

Join us for our next cooking demonstration on November 2nd, from 5:30-6:30pm for “Caldo de ejotes con calabacitas,” a healthy soup of green beans and squash from the northern state of Sonora!

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