Enchilada de Legumbres y Chiles / Vegetable and Chile Enchilada, 1985

Metcalfe de Plata, Edith. Cocina mexicana vegetariana : típicas y sabrosas recetas a base de ingredientes integrales. México : Edaf Mexicana, 1985. Pp. 63, 71, 77. [TX837 .M53518 1985].

If you enjoyed last week’s salsa picante, mix up a fresh batch to use for these vegetarian enchiladas. As the recipe below explains, any combination of vegetables can be used for the filling.

The amounts given in the recipe are for one enchilada, so I multiplied them by the number of enchiladas needed to fill two 1.5 qt. casserole dishes. Exact proportions are not essential, and any leftovers can be combined to make a delicious side salad with extra salsa picante.

Enchilada de Legumbres y Chiles

  • Aproximadamente 3 cucharadas de verduras cocida (véase abajo)
  • 1 cucharada de queso parmesano rallado
  • 3 ó 4 tiras de chile ancho
  • 1 cucharada de cebolla y otra de cilantro picado
  • 1 cucharadita de salsa picante (pág. 63) (optativo) (véase la semana pasada)
  1. Extienda los ingredientes sobre media tortilla preparada.
  2. Enróllela y colóquela en una fuente de server previamente calentada. (Manténgala caliente y prepare tantas enchiladas como necesite.)
  3. Cubra la tortilla con salsa de nata agria (pág. 71) y espolvoree por encima una generosa dosis de queso rallado y cualquier otro acompañamiento de enchilada.

Sugerencias de verduras herviadas a utilizar en este plato:

  • Espárragos
  • Brécol
  • Repollo
  • Zanahoria (rallada)
  • Coliflor
  • Berenjena
  • Champiñones
  • Cebolla
  • Patata
  • Espinacas
  • Tomates

Vegetable and Chile Enchilada

  • Approximately 3 tablespoons of cooked vegetables (see below).

    Carrots and Mushrooms
    Any type of cooked vegetables may be used, even leftovers. I sauteed mushrooms and carrots for my version.
  • 1 tablespoon of grated Parmesan cheese
  • 3 or 4 strips of ancho chile

    Chile Ancho
    Soak the ancho chiles in hot (boiled) water for 10-15 minutes, seed, devein, and cut into strips.
  • 1 tablespoon of onion and another of cilantro, chopped
  • 2 teaspoon of salsa picante (p. 63) (optional) (see last week’s post)

    Enchilada Ingredients
    Cooked Vegetables, Salsa Picante, White Onion, Cilantro, and Ancho Chile Strips
  1. Spread the ingredients over half of a prepared tortilla.

    Filling the enchilada
    If tortillas are stiff, soften by frying briefly in a hot, oiled skillet before filling.
  2. Roll it up and place in a preheated serving dish. Keep warm while preparing as many enchiladas as needed.

    Roll up each enchilada and fit it snugly into the warm serving dish.
    Roll up each enchilada and fit it snugly into the warm serving dish.
  3. Cover the tortillas with sour cream salsa (p. 71 and below) and top with a generous amount of grated cheese and whatever else you wish to accompany the enchiladas with.

    veggie enchiladas
    I could not use the second salsa the recipe calls for because I can’t eat sour cream, so instead I topped off the enchiladas with extra salsa picante. This was very tasty, but I think the cream salsa would make it even better.

Suggestions for cooked vegetables to use in this dish:

  • Asparagus
  • Broccoli
  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Cauliflower
  • Eggplant
  • Mushrooms
  • Onion
  • Potatoes
  • Spinach
  • Tomatoes

Salsa de Crema Agria (p. 71)

  • ½ litro de nata agria
  • 25 gr. De aceitunas negras picadas
  • 1 cucharada de pimiento morron picado
  • 2 a 3 gotitas de salsa picante (por ejemplo Tabasco)

Mezcle todos los ingredients y extienda la mezcla sobre la enchilada. Antes de servirla, espolvoréela con semillas de sesame tostado.

Cómo tostar semillas de sesame:
Extienda algunas semillas de sesame en la parte inferior de una sartén. Ponga el fuego a intensidad media y remueva las semillas con una cuchara de Madera, agite la sartén de vez en cuando para evitar que las seemillas se peguen.

Salsa de Crema Agria (p. 71)

  • ½ litro de nata agria
  • 25 gr. De aceitunas negras picadas
  • 1 cucharada de pimiento morron picado
  • 2 a 3 gotitas de salsa picante (por ejemplo Tabasco)

Mix all the ingredients and spread the mix over the enchilada. Before serving, top with toasted sesame seeds.

How to toast sesame seeds:
Spread some seeds on the bottom of a skillet. Turn heat to medium. Stir with a wooden spoon and shake the skillet occasionally to keep the seeds from sticking to the bottom.

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