Advertisements in Segundo Recetario de Cocina (1944) y Enciclopedia del Hogar (1947)

Segundo recetario de cocina. [Mexico, D. F.] : Excelsior, [1944]. [TX716.M4 S448 1944]

Enciclopedia del hogar : tercer tomo del recetario de cocina de Excelsior. [Mexico, D. F.] : Excelsior, [1947]. [TX716.M4 E53 1947]

Cookbooks often include advertisements as well as recipes. Many times, the advertisement may simply be a list of other cookbooks by the author or other books available from the publisher. However, in some cases–such as these two volumes published by the Mexico City Newspaper Excelsior–numerous advertisements for a variety of products are interspersed throughout. The products and services advertised in cookbooks can provide a window into the daily activities and concerns of the women (and sometimes men) who read them.

Segundo recetario de cocina (1944)

Advertisement for Max Factor Hollywood makeup, which (according to the advertisement) was created for Hollywood stars but is now prized by millions of women worldwide. Segundo Recetario de Cocina (1944), p. 21.
Advertisement for chocolate in three flavors: vanilla, cinnamon, and plain. Segundo Recetario de Cocina (1944), p. 65
Advertisement for Castile soap. Segundo Recetario de Cocina(1944), back cover.

Enciclopedia del hogar (1947)

Advertisement for “Night in Paris” cosmetic powder. Enciclopedia del Hogar (1947), inside front cover.
Advertisement for products from a canned and preserved foods company. Enciclopedia del Hogar (1947), p. 69.
Advertisement for a clothing store, reminding readers that just as they take care in planning their menus, they should give equal attention to be well-dressed. Enciclopedia del Hogar (1947), back cover.

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