Recipe scrapbooks (1920s) – Atole de Plátano / Banana Atole

Front cover of Recipe scrapbook : Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico (1920s).
Front cover of Recipe scrapbook : Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico (1920s).

Recipe Scrapbooks : Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico. TX716 .M4 R436 1920z v.1. P. 11.

Among our collections’ more unusual holdings is a pair of railroad freight and passenger ledgers (dated 1919-1927) from Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico. These ledgers were used from the 1920s to the 1940s to scrapbook recipes clipped from newspapers. The scrapbooks include recipes from throughout Mexico, and from as far afield as Puerto Rico and South America.

Atole de Plátano

Se mondan diez plátanos maduros Roatán o Costa Rica, se les quitan las hebras y se muelen.

Se pone al fuego un cazo con dos litros de leche hervida, 400-450 gramos de azúcar refinada, según se quierra de dulce y un trocito de canela y cuando empiece a hervir se espuma y se ponen los plátanos molidos y dos cucharadas de miel de colmena, se deja hervir a fuego suave media hora, se retira, se cuela y se vuelve a poner a fuego suave, añadiendo una taza de crema y harina de maíz o nixtamalina disuelta en leche, en cantidad suficiente para que espese al gusto.

Banana Atole

Peel ten ripe bananas. Remove any threads and mash the fruit.

Place over the fire two liters of boiled milk, 400 to 450 grams of refined sugar to taste, and a cinnamon stick. When the mixture comes to a boil and begins to froth, add the mashed bananas and two tablespoons of honey. Simmer over low heat for half an hour. Remove from heat, strain, and return to low heat, adding a cup of cream and a little corn meal or nixtamalina disolved in milk, to thicken the atole to taste.

Note: This post originally translated the recipe as plantain atole; however, I have since learned that “plátano de Roatán” or “de Costa Rica” generally refer to cavendish bananas – the sweet yellow bananas commonly found in U.S. grocery stores.

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