Sopa Mexicana 1920s ( Mexican Soup)
Recipe Scrapbooks : Huamantla, Tlaxcala, Mexico. TX716 .M4 R436 1920z v.2. P. 16.
Last week’s post featured a recipe for Plantain Atole from a newspaper clipping found in a pair of recipe scrapbooks from the 1920s. Throughout the remainder of December, we’ll continue to feature more recipes from this rich and diverse resource. This week? Some hearty (though not heart-healthy) chorizo and ham soup to warm your bones on a chilly winter day.
Sopa Mexicana
Se pone a freír cebolla, chorizo y jamón, poniéndole en seguida el caldo necesario, y chicharos, zanahorias y nabos; esto, cocido y rebanado. Cuando suelte el hervor se le agrega jitomate frito y molido, yemas cocidas y desbaratadas en el caldo. Para servirse se le ponen trocitos de pan frito. Coneste caldillo puede también prepares macarrón.
Mexican Soup
Fry the onions, chorizo, and ham. Add broth as needed, along with peas, carrots, and turnips (cooked and sliced). When the mixture begins to boil, add crushed, fried tomatoes, egg yolks that have been cooked in the broth (slightly stirred or beaten while cooking). Serve with fried bread rounds or croutons. This soup can also be prepared with macaroni noodles.