La Cocina Vegetariana: 200 Recetas de Comidas y 70 de Reposteria y Dulces (1960) –

La Cocina Vegetariana: 200 Recetas de Comidas y 70 de Reposteria y Dulces  (1960) by Mitzi Wagner. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.
La Cocina Vegetariana: 200 Recetas de Comidas y 70 de Reposteria y Dulces (1960) by Mitzi Wagner. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.

Wagner, Mitzi. La Cocina Vegetariana. Mexico, D.F.: Editorial “Aurora,” p. 48-49 [TX716 .M4 W338 1960].

La Cocina Vegetariana: 200 Recetas de Comidas y 70 de Reposteria y Dulces offers just what the title indicates – many, many recipes for vegetable-based light meals, desserts, and sweets. Originally copyrighted 1939, this 1960 edition shows staying power. In her prologue, Mitzi Wagner focuses on the health benefits of vegetarian food, noting that then- recent dietetic research had revealed the need for 14 vitamins and 34 minerals, rather than just protein, fat, and carbohydrates. Wagner presents her book as the solution for housewives seeking to nourish their families, particularly those suffering from sickness, while also satisfying their desire for filling, tasty meals.

Wagner’s section on salads is quite extensive and goes far beyond the standard garden salad of greens. A few of the almond-based combinations featured in her section on “Ensaladas Crudas Combinadas con Almendras, Nueces y Piñones” (Raw salads combined with almonds, pecans, and pine nuts) are shared below.

Ensalada de Hinojos

Se limpia y se pica el hinojo, se agrega lechuga picada, aceitunas y almendras, agregando una salsa de aceite con jugo de limón.

Ensalada de Colinabos con Almendras

Se pelan unos colinabos, se rallan finamente se agregan lechugas picadas, almendras peladas, y se sirve con una salsa de aceite, con jugo de limón.

Ensalada de Jitomate con Almendras

A los jitomates pelados y picados finamente, se les agregan zanahorias ralladas, aceitunas, aceite y 100 gramos de almendras.

Ensalada de Remolacha con Almendras

A las remolachas ralladas se e agregan tomates picados, aceitunas y 100 gramos de almendras y aceite.

Fennel Salad

Clean and chop the fennel, add shredded lettuce, olives and almonds, adding a dressing of oil and lemon juice.

Kohlrabi Salad with Almonds

Peel a kohlrabi, grate finely and add chopped lettuce and blanched almonds. Serve with a dressing of oil and lemon juice.

Tomato Salad with Almonds

Peel and chop red tomatoes, then add shredded carrots, olives, oil and 100 grams of almonds.

Beet Salad with Almonds

Grate a beet and add diced tomatoes, olives, almonds, and 100 grams of oil.

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  1. Empecé a investigar mucho sobre este libro, me pareció interesante, creo que tenemos la comida vegetariana documentada desde hace tiempo pero no la ponemos en práctica del todo. Soy especialista en Repostería Creativa, pásate pero me encanta la comida saludable, pásate por mi web por si te interesa.

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