Torta de Chayote, 1971

Retana, Betty. La Cocina de Doña ventura. México : Ed. Epoca, 1971. Pp. 107.

Chayote is a green, pear-shaped squash that can be eaten either raw or cooked. You can get a quick summary of chayote’s culinary uses at Gourmet Sleuth or read the details of its botanical history in Purdue University’s Crop Index.

Original Recipe/Receta Original:

Torta de Chayote

½ barra de mantequilla
½ cajita de pasas
12 almendras, remojadas, peladas y picadas fino
3 chayotes, cociidos y pelados
2 huevos
1 rajita de canela
Polvo de pan
Leche del Clavel o natas.

Los chayotes se parten a la mitad y se sacan rebanadas delgadas. Se unta con mantequilla un recipiente refractario cubriéndolo con polvo de pan.

Se pone una capa de chayotes, pasas, almendras, canela y mantequilla, cucharadas de leche revuelta ya con los huevos, así hasta terminar con la leche y se mete en el horno.

Translated Recipe/Receta Traducida:

Chayote Squash Cake

½ stick butter
½ small package of raisins
12 almonds, soaked, peeled and finely chopped
3 chayote squash, baked and peeled
2 eggs
1 cinnamon stick
bread crumbs
Carnation brand canned milk or cream.

Split each chayote squash in half and then cut it in thin slices. Butter a baking dish and cover thoroughly with a coating of bread crumbs.
Place a layer of squash, raisins, almonds, cinnamon, and butter in the pan. Mix together the milk and eggs, pour it over the layer of squash, and bake in the oven.


Doña Ventura’s chayote recipe produces something like a crustless quiche without cheese. Like other summer squash, chayote can be boiled whole, baked, or sauteed. For this recipe, it is probably easiest to boil the squash until it can be easily poked with a fork. Although the recipe does not specify a baking temperature or time for the torta, a good estimate would be 30-40 minutes at 375 degrees fahrenheit. Be sure the eggs are thoroughly cooked before eating.

Stay tuned next week for Avocado Soup (Sopa de Aguacate) with photos from the kitchen!

Image Citation: Monniaux, David. “Sechium Edule on sale, Réunion Island.” 2005. Wikimedia Commons <> Accessed July 21, 2010.

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