La Cocina Histórica Reader Poll Results

How would you describe yourself? Select as many as apply.
How would you describe yourself? Select as many as apply.

Thank you to all who participated in our September reader poll! Today, I’d like to briefly share some of the results.

  • Half of respondents reached La Cocina Histórica through the UTSA Libraries Homepage, and two-thirds were new readers. Readers most frequently self-identified as fooodies, history-lovers, and hobbyist cooks.
  • Posts featuring kitchen-tested recipes received the highest number of votes as “most enjoyable” at around 30%, and were followed by posts of pre-1940 recipes (18,.5%) and posts focusing on regional cuisines (22%).
  • Respondents also indicated a preference for publishing La Cocina Histórica early in the week – on Monday or Tuesday – rather than on Friday.

Although we’ll continue to feature a variety of content on La Cocina Histórica, we will be making a few changes in response to this poll.

For the next few months, we’re going to experiment with publishing recipes on Mondays instead of Fridays. Let us know what you think of the change!

It is difficult to simultaneously meet the demand for pre-1940 recipes and regional cuisines because very few cookbooks prior to the 1950s specify the regional origin of their recipes. However, we’ll do our best to feature both frequently, if not simultaneously. And as we approach the holidays, plans for more kitchen-tested recipes are in the works.

If you have other ideas or comments you’d like to share, we’re listening!

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