Antiguo Manual de Cocina Yucateca

 Antiguo Manual de Cocina Yucateca (1926) by Hortensia Rendón de García
Antiguo Manual de Cocina Yucateca (1926) by Hortensia Rendón de García

Rendón de García, Hortensia. Antiguo Manual de Cocina Yucateca: Fórmulas paraa Condimentaar los Platos Más Usuales en la Península. Tomos I, II, y III, Refundidos con Numerosas Adiciones y Reformas. Mérida, Yucatán, México: Compañía Tipográfica Yucateca, 1926. [TX716.M4 A58 1926]

One of relatively few region-specific cookbooks published in the early 20th century, Antiguo Manual de Cocina Yucateca offers the cook recipes commonly prepared in the Yucatan peninsula.

According the the “Notas” at the front of the book, this work was originally published in three parts, with the first one appearing in 1898. However, as no copies of the earlier editions appear in WorldCat, it is possible that they may not have survived. Even the 1926 edition is quite rare, and the acidic, embrittled paper of its textblock makes the book quite fragile.

The “ĺndice” at the back of the book lists the recipes in page-order within each chapter (not alphabetcially): “Sopas”(Soup), “Pescados” (Fish), “Huevos, etc, etc.” (Eggs), “Carnes, etc., etc.” (Meat), “Aves” (Poultry), “Platos diversos” (Various dishes), “Pastas de maíz” (corn-doubh-based dishes), “Verduras, legumbres, etc.” (Greens, vegetables, etc.), and finally “Postres” (Dessert), Although not listed in the index, a “Menu Mensual” of 30 suggested daily menus is included after “Postres.”

A look at a few of these daily menus provides a birds-eye view of the range or recipes included in Antiguo Manual de Cocina Yucateca.

Día 1 / Day 1

Almuerzo / Lunch

  • Huevos en chile de Veracruz / Eggs in Veracruz chiles.
  • Carne en vino tinto / Beef in red wine.
  • Calabacitas rellenas / Stuffed summer squash.
    *Note: There are many varieties of summer squash, of which the familiar zucchini is just one – it is not clear which variety is meant here or in subsequent recipes, although most are similar enough to be mutually substituted.
  • Frijol Colorado, guisado / Stewed red beans.

Comida / Dinner

  • Sopa de escudella / Escudella Soup.
  • *Note: Unable to identify translation, but recipe is for a basic vegetable soup with rice and macaroni.
  • Pezuñas rebozadas con huevo / Egg-dipped hooves (most likely pigs’ or cows’ feet – not clear which).
  • Pollos en polvo de pan / Breaded chicken.
  • Papas guisadas / Stewed potatoes.

Día 4 / Day 4

Almuerzo / Lunch

  • Huevos revueltos con hígado / Scrambled eggs with liver.
  • Carne jigote de Ticul / Meat stew in the style of Ticul.
  • Arrolladitos de repollo / Cabbage rolls.
  • Chayotes en zoletas / Chayote squash in zoletas (unable to identify translation).

Comida / Dinner

  • Sopa de fideos / Noodle soup.
  • Lomo de Puerco guisado con papas / Pork loin stewed with potatoes.
  • Tamalitos de chaya / Chaya tamales (tree spinach; substitute spinach or chard).
  • Calabacitas fritas / Fried summer squash.

Día 16 / Day 16

Almuerzo / Lunch

  • Bacalao en salsa de almendras / Cod in almond sauce.
  • Carne en tortitas / Meat cakes
  • Macarrones con lomo / Macaroni and pork loin.
  • Ejotes de leche / Green beans with milk

Comida / Dinner

  • Sopa de fideos con arroz y jamón / Noodles with rice and ham.
  • Costilla de Puerco guisada con frijol nuevo / Pork ribs stewed with beans.
  • Frituras de chayote / Chayote squash fritters.
  • Espelón guisado con calabacitas / black eyed peas with summer squash.

Día 27 / Day 27

Almuerzo / Lunch

  • Torta de hueva / Egg omlet
  • Carne en caldillo / Beef in broth.
  • Sesos en pan francés / Brains on French bread.
  • Papas guisadas / Stewed potatoes.

Comida / Dinner

  • Sopa imitación de rabioles / Soup of imitation rabioles.
  • *Note: Unable to identify translation, but recipe is for soup made with parboiled pork, tomatillos, chile dulce, olives, almonds, and raisins. Possibly imitation ravioli, but the soup does not appear to contain pasta of any kind.
  • Lengua dulce / Sweet tongue.
  • Panuchos a la campechana / Campecha-style stuffed tortillas.
  • Lentejas guisadas / Stewed lentils.

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