Bacalao en Ajo Blanco y Camarones del Labrador. Yucateco. / Cod in White Garlic and Yucatecan Shrimp (1953)

La cocina selecta (1953) by María Díez de Pérez. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.
La cocina selecta (1953) by María Díez de Pérez. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.

Díez de Pérez, María. La Cocina Selecta: Más de Mil Fórmulas de Guisos, Repostería, Panes, Dulces y Helados, para las Amas de Casa que Gustan Presentar una Buena Mesa. Veracruz: Mprenta Comercial Veracruz ; 1953. [TX716.M4 D539 1953]

Seafood plays an important role in Mexican cuisine throughout the year, but in this primarily Roman Catholic country, it takes on particular importance during Lent, the 40 days of preparation before Easter. La Cocina Selecta… includes a wide variety of maritime dishes. This weeks recipes include cod and shrimp.

Bacalao en Ajo Blanco / Cod in White Garlic (37)

Se muelen 2 cabezas de ajo y se fríen en abundante aceite, allí se agrega una cucharadita de harina, se suelta con agua, allí se pone el bacalao, perejil picado y pimiento.

Crush 2 heads of garlic and fry in plenty of oil, add a teaspoon of flour, and when the garlic releases liquid, add the cod, chopped parsley, and pepper.

Camarones del Labrador. Yucateco. / Yucatecan Labrador Shrimp (41)

Boil and chop zucchini, chayote, ripe plantain and two potatoes. Grind well, tomatillos, onions, chile dulce Pretty tomato, onion, chile dulce, chile “xcat-ic,” olives, capers, raisins and parsley. Fry this mixture and add fresh shrimp, vegetables, annatto, cumin and pepper, and ground roasted garlic, vinegar and salt.

Boil and chop zucchini, chayote, ripe plantain and two potatoes. Grind well, tomatillos, onions, chile dulce Pretty tomato, onion, chile dulce, chile “xcat-ic,” olives, capers, raisins and parsley. Fry this mixture and add fresh shrimp, vegetables, annatto, cumin and pepper, and ground roasted garlic, vinegar and salt.

Note: Chile dulce generally refers to peppers without heat. In the Yucatan peninsula, it refers to a specific sweet pepper not widely available elsewhere, but a sweet bell pepper is a good substitute. [1] Chile xcat-ic is a yellow chile specific to the Yucatan peninsula. [2] A Hungarian wax pepper would be a good substitute. [3]

[1] Zurita, Ricardo Muñoz, “Chile Dulce,” Larousse Diccionario Enciclopédico de Gastronomía Mexicana (s.l.: Larousse, 2012): 176

[2] Zurita, Ricardo Muñoz, “Chile Xcatik,” Larousse Diccionario Enciclopédico de Gastronomía Mexicana (s.l.: Larousse, 2012): 171.

[3] Fromm, Dan, The Great Mexican Cookbook in the Sky: México’s National Community Cookbook [unpublished manuscript, draft]: 2190.

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