Los 365 Menus del Año: Diciembre

Diciembre (31 Menus Economicos) by Josefina Velázquez de León. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.
Diciembre (31 Menus Economicos) by Josefina Velázquez de León. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.

Velázquez de León, Josefina. Los 365 Menus del Año: Recetas Prácticas, Económicas, para Resolver el Diario Problema de la Alimentación. México, D.F. : Ediciones J. Velázquez de León, [196-?]. [TX716 .M4 V393 1960]

On the first Monday of each month in 2015, La Cocina Histórica will feature recipes from Josefina Velázquez de León’s month-by-month cookbook series: Los 365 Menus del Año.

December is another volume for which UTSA’s copy lacks the seasonal fruits and vegetables page. However, this month’s menus do show striking differences from those of just a few months earlier. October’s seafood is replaced largely by pork, and the fruits of summer – peaches, pears, etc. – have made way for apples.

As 2015 comes to a close, this will be the final post on Velázquez de León’s Los 365 Menus del Año series. While it is difficult imagining even the most assiduous housewife finding the time and energy to follow these frequently elaborate (and rarely repeated) menus on a daily basis, I could imagine the wealth of diverse, seasonal recipes bringing readers back year after year. And for today’s cooks interested in mid-century cuisine, this series is truly a gem. I hope you’ve enjoyed exploring it as much as I have!

Menu No. 12 calls for Sopa Mixta (combination soup – prepared with various vegetables, ham, and calf’s brains), Lomo de Cerdo en Frio (pork loin served cold with various garnishes), Delicias de Aguacate y Salchicha (avocado and hot dog delicacies), and Postre de Manzana (apple dessert).

Menu No. 20 suggests Sopa de Calabaza de Castilla (Castilian pumpkin soup), Carne de Puerco en Huerto (pork in the garden – cooked with various fruits and vegetables), Frituras de Spaghetti (spaghetti fritters), and Postre de Manzana (apple dessert).

And Menu 24 (Christmas Eve) recommends celebrating with Sopa de Cuadritos de Panque (literally, soup of quartered cake, but in actuality, appears to be a broth-based soup with cheesey dumplings), Cuete con Rebanadas de Betabel (beef eye round with sliced beats), Rosca de Bacalao (ring of salt cod), and Jaletina para Navidad (Christmas gelatin).


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