An Exhibition in Six Courses: Testing Recipes from the Clark’s Manuscript Collection

An exhibition of 17th and 18th c. published cookbooks and manuscript recipe books is on display at the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library from June – September 2013. If you aren’t able to visit An Exhibition in Six Courses: Testing Recipes from the Clark’s Manuscript Collection in person, you can still get a taste of early modern English cookery through the online exhibit.

In addition to images of the cookbooks themselves, the exhibition features photographs of some of the recipes that curator Jennifer Bastian kitchen-tested, as well as a several transcribed recipes, inncluding Lemmon Brandy, Common Bisket, and A Receipt to Make Pottage.

An Exhibition in Six Courses: Testing Recipes from the Clark’s Manuscript Collection
An Exhibition in Six Courses: Testing Recipes from the Clark’s Manuscript Collection

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