Almanaque Dulce 1941: Sweet Subliminal Messages

Almanaque Dulce 1941. Unión Nacional de Productores de Azúcar (Mexico). UTSA Libraries Special Collections.
Almanaque Dulce 1941. Unión Nacional de Productores de Azúcar (Mexico). UTSA Libraries Special Collections.

Unión Nacional de Productores de Azúcar (Mexico). Almanaque Dulce. México, D.F. : Azúcar, S.A. [TX819.S94 .A4435]

On the third Monday of each month in 2015, La Cocina Histórica will feature a different volume of the issue of the serial publication Almanaque Dulce, sharing sweet treats from the 1930s to the 1970s.

One of the goals of the Unión Nacional de Productores de Azúcar was to encourage sugar consumption and it was not always very subtle about it. Just in case providing 80+ pages of dessert recipes wasn’t enough to increase a family’s sugar intake, the 1941 almanac also includes page and chapter ornaments that read “Consuma más Azúcar” (Eat more sugar). Also included below is a priceless page spread that compares the number of calories in a kilogram of sugar in comparison to other foods with a positive slant – a very different perspective from today’s emphasis on the dangers of obesity and diabetes in relation to sugar consumption.


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