Bebida de Piña / Pineapple Drink, 1991

González Martínez, Ana Ma. (Ana María). La receta del dia : una selección de las recetas de cocina transmitidas por Radio Metropoli [y] notisistema. México : Corporación Activa, 1991. [TX716 .M4 G669 1991].

I love pinapple, so I was really excited about this recipe, but although it was tasty, it was not very pineapple-y. Even though it calls for just two cloves and cinnamon sticks, the spices are surprisingly strong. In fact, it’s just like drinking apple pie! So, if you’re in the mood for fall, but it’s too hot to bake, just whip up a batch of this instead.

Bebida de Piña

1 piña
1 kilo de azúcar
4 litros de agua natural
6 limones
2 clavos de olor
2 rajitas de canelas

  1. La piña se lava con todo y la cáscara.
  2. También los limones se lavan muy bien y se cortan en rodajas con todo y su cáscara.
  3. La piña se pela, pero se reserva la cáscara.
  4. Lo que es la pulpa de piña se corta en cubitos muy pequeños y se van acomodando en una jarra grande con el agua y el azúcar.
  5. Se agregan los limones, clavos, canela y cáscara de piña cortada en trozos.
  6. Se deja reposar cuando menos 4 horas y ya podrá servirse en frío o en caliente, pero previamente colada.

Pineapple Drink

1 pineapple
1 kilogram of sugar
4 liters of water (uncarbonated)
6 lemons
2 cloves
2 cinnamon sticks

  1. Wash the pineapple.
  2. Wash the lemons and cut into slices (keep the peel on).
  3. Peel the pineapple, but reserve the shell.
  4. Cut the flesh of the pineapple into very small cubes and place in a large pitcher with water and sugar.
  5. Add the lemon slices, cloves, cinnamon, and pineapple skin.
  6. Let stand at least 4 hours and serve hot or cold, but first strain through a sieve.

Pineapple Drink

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One Comment

  1. The teanslation of the recipe is wrong. It might have affected the final result.
    You should have washed the pineapple with its peel and added it together with the cubed pineapple pulp.
    Also in Mexico. An average cinnamon stick is about half the size or smaller than the one you get in the US
    Hope it helps

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