Churros, 1907

Josefa Dammi Ortigosa, Susana I. de Sanches Torres. Libro de cocina, ink manuscript, n.d. [c. 1907].

This is the second volume in a set of six ink manuscript cookbooks written by a family of related women in Durango, Mexico from just before until shortly after the Mexican Revolution. If you are interested in other recipes from the series, check out a chocolate cake recipe we made from the first volume.



1 harina

1 agua

1 cucharilla sal

2 cuchara azúcar o azúcar en polvo

manteca para freír

Se poner en un vaso agua muy caliente con sal al justo, cuando está hirviendo se le echa la misma cantidad de harina que el agua que se ha puesto, según los churros que se desan. Se bate bien todo en el fuego y después se lleva el molda con esa masa y se frien en manteca en forma de haieer (?) los de Teringa (?) y se les pone azucar encima. Son buenos para la merienda. (El molde se compra en la Tecira (?) en forma de tubo).


1 part flour

1 part water

1 teaspoon salt

2 tablespoon of sugar or powdered sugar

Lard for frying

Heat a glass of salted water very hot. When it boils, add an equal quantity of flour to the amount of water you used (according to how many churros you want). Beat the mixture over the heat very well, and then use a mold to squeeze out the dough and fry in lard, and then sprinkle with sugar. These are very good for afternoon snacks. (Buy the mold at ____ in the form of a tube).

Note: The “mold” in question appears to function like a pastry bag, squeezing dough out in the shape of tubes.

In the Kitchen…

Basically fried dough, similar to a fritter or doughnut, churros are great snacks that are relatively easy to make. Bring 1 cup of water with 1 teaspoon of salt to a boil, then stir in 1 cup of flour until it forms a ball.

Dough mixture.

Transfer dough to a pastry bag or ziplock bag and bring oil to 375°.

Transfer to pastry bag or ziplock bag for piping.

Pipe dough mixture into heated oil and fry until golden brown.

Dough mixture frying in lard.

Allow fried dough to cool on paper towels and coat with sugar or powdered sugar.

Churros with powdered sugar.

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