Crema de Elote / Corn Cream, 1960

Cerrillo, Clementina. Recetario Maizena. México : Foto-Offset Mayab, [1960?]. [TX716.M4 C477 1960z].

A portion of UTSA’s Mexican Cookbook Collection consists of recipe booklets published by food manufacturers and trade associations to promote their products. Previously, we posted a recipe for Huevos al Estilo Español from a 1908 cookbook by San Antonio’s own Gebhardt Chili Company and a recipe for Pastel de Café from the 1954 Almanaque Dulce, which was an annual publication issued by the Union Nacional de Productores de Azucar. Over the next few weeks, we’d like to share a few recipes from two 1960s promotional cookbooks from the Mexican food manufacturer Maizena. We begin today with a recipe for Crema de Elote from Recetario Maizena.

Crema de Elote

2 elotes no muy tiernos
2 cucharadas MAIZENA Duryea
50 gramos mantequilla de Buena calidad
100 gramos de queso fresco de vaca
3 cucharadas cebolla picada
½ litro de leche
1/8 litro de crema de leche
Sal y pimiento blanca

Los elotes se limpian y se rebanan los granos, moliéndolos después. Se ponen al fuego en una budinera juntamente con la MAIZENA, la cebolla y la mantequilla. Cuando han transformado su color los elotes, se añade un litro de agua y se déjà hervir hasta que forme un atole un poco espeso. Entonces se le agrega la leche hervida y caliente, se sazona con sal y pimiento y se déjà que tome la consistencia de una crema ligera. Al llevarse a la mesa se le agrega la crema, de leche, se cuela y se sirve con una guarnición de pequeños trocitos de queso fresco.

Corn Cream

2 not overly-ripe corn
2 tablespoons cornstarch
50 grams of good quality butter
100 grams of queso fresco (fresh cow cheese)
3 tablespoons chopped onion
½ liter of milk
1 / 8 liter cream
Salt and white pepper

Clean the ears and slice the grains, then grind them. Heat the ground corn in a pudding basin, along with the cornstarch, onion and butter. When the corn changes color, add a liter of water and leave to boil until it forms a porridge that is just a bit thick. Then, add the boiled milk and heat, season with salt and pepper and leave until it has the consistency of light cream. When the dish is brought to the table, add the cream and more milk, strain and serve garnished with small pieces of queso fresco.

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