Frijoles con Chorizo / Beans with Chorizo, 1956

Recipe from Velázquez de León, Josefina. Cocina instantánea : ideas prácticas para preparar rápidemente con latas y productos preparados platillos de buen sabor, dulces y repostería. Mexico, D.F.: Ediciones Josefina Velázquez de León, 1956. Pp. 36.

Book Cocina Instantanea by Josefina Velazquez de León

One of the defining culinary events of the 20th century was the popularization of convenience foods. Ever innovative in the kitchen and savvy in her publishing, Josefina Velázquez de León embraced “instant cooking” in this 1956 cookbook, which is full of recipes like this one that can be on the table in minutes. For another Velázquez de León recipes, check out the Tacos de Cameron Fresco (shrimp tacos) Sean Heyliger prepared last June from her 1940s cookbook Antojitos Mexicanos.

Frijoles con Chorizo

1 lata de frijol con chile del Fuerte, de 475 gramos de peso; 2 chorizos; 5 cucharadas de aceite; ½ paquete de tostaditas, miniatura marca Super Lis; 50 gramos de queso añejo.

Manera de Hacerse:
En 2 cucharadas de aceite se fríen los chorizos se retiran, en esa grasa se fríe el contenido de la lata; ya que hirvió se añade la mitad del chorizo, se deja dar un hervor, se retira y vacía al platón, se adorna poniéndole alrededor, las tostaditas fritas en el aceite restante y que se les habrá puesto un poco de chorizo frito y queso rallado. Se sirve inmediatamente.

Beans with Chorizo

1 can of beans with chiles (475 grams), 2 chorizo sausages, 5 tablespoons oil, ½ package of tortilla chips, miniature Lis Super brand, 50 grams of aged cheese.

In 2 tablespoons oil, fry the chorizo and then remove it from the pan. Fry the canned beans in the remaining fat. When they boil, add half the sausage. Leave to boil, then remove from the heat and place on a serving platter, surrounding it with the tortilla chips, and sprinkle fried sausage and grated cheese on top. Serve immediately.

In the Kitchen…

Simple, straight-forward, and delicious! This would be a fantastic appetizer for a party, if you want something a little more unusual and substantial than simple chips and salsa.

The recipe doesn’t specify what kind of beans to use, and I’m sure it would work with any type, but just for the record, I used black beans this time. Also, since I can’t eat cheese, but wanted a little contrast in the dish, I sprinkled cilantro on top instead of queso añejo. I bet it would be even better with cheese.


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