El Libro Clásico de la Navidad en México (1998) – Ensalada de Manzana Angelical / Angelic Apple Salad

El Libro Clásico de la Navidad en México (1998) by Sebastián Verti. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.  Verti, Sebastián. El Libro Clásico de la Navidad en México (México, D.F. : Editorial Diana, 1998). [GT4987 .V47 1998]

I love apple waldorf salad, so this mayonnaise-based fruit salad really appealed to me. However, the fresh pineapple I purchased didn’t ripen in time, so instead I used 1 can of pineapple chunks. In the absence of specific amounts for certain ingredients, I added about 1 1/2 cups of canola mayonnaise and 1/4 cup demerara sugar. Since the canned pineapple was rather wet, I didn’t add any extra cream to thin out the mayonnaise. Finally, I chose to toast the pecans before adding them for a little extra crunch.

This salad has a mild, sweet flavor, with enough savory undertones from the celery and pecans to keep it from being cloying. I think that fresh pineapple would provide a little bit of a bolder flavor and texture, but even using canned, I would definitely make this again as a side salad or a light dessert.


Ensalada de Manzana Angelical (154)


1 kilo de manzana pelada y picada en cuadritos
4 rabanadas de piña picada
6 tallos de apio limpio y picado
200 gr. De nuez picada
Mayonesa, crema y azúcar al gusto


Celery, Apples, Pineapple, and Pecans
Celery, Apples, Pineapple, and Pecans

Se pican las manzanas, la piña, el apio, previamente lavados, y la nuez; se agrega la mayonesa y la crema. Si se desea, puede añadirle una cucharadita de vainilla.

Angelic Apple Salad (154)


1 kilo apples, peeled and diced (5-6 apples)
4 slices of pineapple, minced

Sugar, Mayonnaise, Vanilla
Sugar, Mayonnaise, Vanilla

6 stalks of celery cleaned and chopped
200 grams chopped pecans (~ 1 1/4 cups)
Mayonnaise, cream, and sugar to taste


Chop the apples, pineapple, celery (previously cleaned), and pecans. Add mayonnaise and cream. If desired, also add a teaspoon of vanilla.

Angelic Apple Salad

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