Los 365 Menus del Año: Enero

Enero (31 Menus) by Josefina Velázquez de León. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.
Enero (31 Menus) by Josefina Velázquez de León. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.

Velázquez de León, Josefina. Los 365 Menus del Año: Recetas Prácticas, Económicas, para Resolver el Diario Problema de la Alimentación. México, D.F. : Ediciones J. Velázquez de León, [196-?]. [TX716 .M4 V393 1960]

In the 1960s, culinary instructor, author, and publishing powerhouse Josefina Velázquez de León issued a series of cookbooks intended to solve that eternal question: “What’s for dinner?” Depending on the month, each issue offers 29 to 31 menus for consideration. Most issues include an opening section listing the fruits and vegetables currently in season. In some cases, special recipes for holidays are also included.

During 2015, La Cocina Histórica will feature recipes from that month’s cookbook. We begin today with a few of the January menus, featuring seasonal produce such as coles de bruselas (brussel sprouts), chinchayotes (the root of the chayote plant), and naranjas (oranges).

Menu No. 6 includes Sopa de Arroz y Chicharos (Rice and Pea Soup), Mole Verde Economico (Inexpensive Mole Verde), Tortitas de Chinchayote (Chinchayote patties), and Platanos con Limon (plantains with lemon/lime).

Menu 7 consists of Sopa de Colecitas de Bruselas (brussel sprout soup) Bistecks con Chicharos (beefsteak with peas), Quesadillas Rellenas de Frijol (quesadillas with beans), and Arroz de Leche (rice pudding).

Enero (31 Menus) by Josefina Velázquez de León. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.
Enero (31 Menus) by Josefina Velázquez de León. UTSA Libraries Special Collections.

And Menu 22 suggests Arroz con Guacamole (rice with guacamole), Salmon Moldeado (salmon mold), Col con Cerveza (cabbage with beer), and mermelada de naranja (orange preserves).

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