Mango Chantilly, 1988

Cover of ¡Olé Mole! Great Recipes in the Classic Mexican Tradition

by Lupe Mendoza

Richard Condon, Wendy Condon. ¡Olé Mole! Great Recipes in the Classic Mexican Tradition. Taylor Publishing Company, Dallas, TX. Pg. 134

Original Recipe/ Receta Original:


4 fresh or canned mangoes

¾ cup + 1 teaspoon powdered sugar

1 pint whipping cream

2 oranges

1 cup of pecans


Peel and crush mangoes. Whip in the powdered sugar. Whip the cream with 1 teaspoon sugar until stiff. Chop the oranges finely. Mix mangoes, sugar, and oranges. Fold in the whipped cream and pecans. Pour into individual serving dishes and chill.

Serves 8

Translated Recipe/Receta Traducida:

Manera de Hacerse:

4 mangos frescos o en conserva

¾ de taza + 1 cucharadita de azúcar en polvo

1 pinta de crema de leche

2 naranjas

1 taza de nueces

Pelar y aplaste a los mangos, despues agrege el azúcar en polvo. Bate la creama con1 cucharadita de azucar a punto de nieve. Picar finamente las naranjas. Mezclar el mango, azúcar y naranjas. Incorpore la crema batida y nueces. Eche en platos individuales y refrigerar.

Rinde 8 porciones


This recipe comes from the cookbook ¡Olé Mole! Great Reipes In The Classic Mexican Tradition, written by Richard Condon and Wendy Condon. Together they have gathered and tested over 125 recipes from appetizers to main courses to desserts and everything in between.

With the hot summer upon us I was interested in making a cool and refreshing dessert. The ingredients were easy to find, and I was able to follow the recipe easily. However, I am not skilled in the kitchen and realized I did not have an acceptable whisk or mixer to whip the cream. So I did my best with the materials I had on hand and my Mango Chantilly was more like Mango baby food. It was delicious due to the ingredients used. Who could go wrong with fresh mango, oranges, whip cream and powdered sugar. My mixture resulted in a type of ambrosia salad— minus the marshmallows. I bought some marshmallows the next day, and in my next attempt in making the Mango Chantilly I will cube the mango and oranges to help create more texture to the creamy dessert.

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