Mexico Through My Kitchen Window (1938) – Illustrations

De Carbia, María A. Mexico Through My Kitchen Window. (México: M.A. de Carbia, 1938). [TX716 .M4 C372 1938].

In addition to the illustrations at chapter openings in María A. de Carbia’s Mexico Through My Kitchen Window, small vignettes provide spots of color throughout the text. On first inspection, the reader is likely to dismiss them as nothing more than decorative.

However, when I got to the end of the book, I found that even though there is no recipe index, there is an index of illustrations, with an explanation of what each item depicted is and a little information about it. This showcasing of the artwork is somewhat unusual for a cookbook, and reinforces the significant involvement and investment of illustrator Imelda Calderón. It also highlights the author and illustrator’s commitment to not only bringing “new and different” recipes to American kitchens, but to really introducing “a bit of our beloved country” to their readers. (front matter).

The descriptions occasionally show some rather awkward use of English. I suspect that Carbia may have written the manuscript in English herself, rather than writing in Spanish and relying on a translator.

Click on an image in the mosaic below to see the complete caption.

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