Naranjas Rellenas / Stuffed Oranges, 1992

by Krisellen Maloney

de Caraza Campos, Laura B. Menús Para Todas Ocasiones. México: Promexa, 1992. Pp. 40.

This recipe is very easy to follow and the stuffed oranges are delicious. The cooked oranges are surprisingly sweet, especially when mixed with the dates and raisins. The rind flavor is noticeable and creates a flavor reminiscent of orange marmalade. The meringue has lots of sugar so it browns nicely and is the perfect topping for this interesting dessert. I am sure that this is a holiday favorite.

Original Recipe/Receta Original:

Naranjas Rellenas, Pp. 40

8 naranjas grandes lavadas
1 cucharada de coco
1 cucharada de pasitas
8 dátiles deshuesados y picados
1 cucharadita de nueces picadas
Para el merengue:
1 clara
2 cuchradas de azúcar

A las naranjas se les abre una tapa en la parte superior y se vacíon con un cuchillo afilado; su pulpa se mezcla con el coco, las pasitas, los dátiles y las nueces y se vuelven a rellenar las naranjas. Se colocan en un refractario con un centímetro de agua y se meten en el horno precalentado, a 160 degrees celcius, durante 45 minutos. Se decoran con una cucharada de merengue y se vuelven a meter en el horno para que se dore el merengue; se sirven calintes o tibias.

Merengue: La clara se bate a punto de turrón, se agrega el azúcar y se bate un momento más.

Translated Recipe/Receta Traducida:

Stuffed Oranges, Pp. 40

8 large oranges, washed.
1 tablespoon coconut
1 tablespoon raisins
8 pitted dates, chopped
1 teaspoon chopped walnuts

For the meringue:
An eggwhite
2 tablespoons sugar

Cut off the top of each orange to make an opening and a lid. Cut out the insides with a sharp knife. Mix the orange pulp with the coconut, raisins, dates, and nuts. Re-fill the oranges with this mixture. Place the oranges in a baking dish, surrounded by an inch of water and place in an oven that has been pre-heated to 160 degrees celcius. Cook for 45 minutes. Decorate each orange with a spoonfull of meringue and return to the oven just long enough to brown the meringue slightly. Serve hot or at room temperature.

To make the meringue: beat the egg white to stiff peaks, add the sugar and beat just a moment longer.

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One Comment

  1. Thanks for finding this recipe. I’ve never had this dessert, but it looks really yummy. I will definitely make it sometime. –Del

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