Paraíso Tropical 1999 (Tropical Paradise Juice)

by Del de la Cruz

Ijjász S., Emöke. Guayaba. Bogotá, Columbia : Panamericana Editorial, 1999. P. 22.

Guavas are an interesting little fruit that pack an intense blend of tart and sweetness. They also give off an incredible aroma when bundled in a bag. However, with all those hard tiny little seeds they can be quite a challenge to handle and eat by themselves.

Fortunately, this recipe capitalizes on the convenience factor of canned guava juice, and you only need to slice up a few guavas to use as garnish. The drink does take a good amount of time to make, but it is fairly simple, and tastes a little bit more exotic than your normal fruit drink. It’s a perfect punch for your south Texas summer party.

Paraíso TropicalIngredients

2 cucharas de jengibre rallado
7 tazas de agua
1 taza de azúcar, o al gusto
2 ½ tazas de jugo de piña concentrado
2 ½ tazas de nectar de guayaba
2 ½ tazas de jugo de naranja
½ taza de jugo de limón
Rodajas de guayaba
Rodagas de limón
Ramitos de yerbabuena

  1. Hervir el jengibre en 3 tazas de agua por 30 minutos. Enfriar y colar.
  2. Hervir el azucar en el resto de agua hasta obtener un almíbar. Enfriar.
  3. Colocar ambos ingredients en un recipiente de vidrio, mezclar, incorporar los demás ingredients y servir en vasos con hielo, adornados con rodajas de fruta y ramitos de yerbabuena.
    12 porciones.

Tropical Paradise Prepared Drink

2 spoons of ginger root, grated
7 cups of water
1 cup of sugar
2 ½ cups of concentrated pineapple juice
2 ½ cups of guava nectar
2 ½ cups of orange juice
½ cup of lemon juice
Slices of guava
Slices of lemon
Sprigs of yerba buena

  1. Boil the grated ginger root in 3 cups of water for 30 minutes. Cool, and strain.
  2. Boil the sugar in the rest of the water until it becomes syrup. Cool.
  3. Combine these ingredients in a glass pitcher, stir, add-in the rest of the ingredients and serve in glasses garnished with fruit and a few sprigs of yerba buena. Makes 12 servings.

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