Turron Amarilla (Yellow Nougat), 1907

Libro de Resetas (sic), su dueña Susana Irazoqui Palacios, ink manuscript, Julio 9, 1907. folio 2.

First I must admit that this recipe was a complete and utter failure, though I would venture to guess that the gooey, saccharine mess was more a reflection of my candy-making skills than the recipe itself. I would suggest that only those with an understanding of the intricacies of candy-making attempt this recipe.

Turron Amarilla (Pg. 27)

Eggs, Sugar, Honey, and Almonds

1 Libra Azúcar

12 Llemas

1 Cuartillo Miel Virgen

1/2 Libra Almendra

Su pone en un cuartillo de agua la azúcar y miel virgen para espumarse sin dejarse hervir, luego se cuela y se pone otra vez en la lumbre y se le da el punto de bolas (?) luego se saca se va batinado con una cucha de palo, y se le revuelve la almendra molida esta se bate (?) muy bien con la miel y después se le van batinado las llemas que ya esten bien botidas (?) aparte como para marquesote. El punto es que se vea el fondo del caso. Todo necesita poco lumbre y mucho batido hasta que no se pegue en las dedos se hacen los porquetidos y después se come con las obleas.

Yellow Nougat (Pg. 27)

Turron Amarilla (Fail)

1 Pound Sugar

12 Egg Yolks

1 Pint of Virgin Honey

1/2 Pound of Almonds

Put the sugar and honey in a pint of water without bringing it to a boil, then strain and put back into the fire until it forms a ball (?), then remove the ball with spoon handle, and stir in the crushed almonds whipping it very well with the honey, and then whip the yolks that were already well beaten into a caramel-like state. The point is to see the bottom of the pot [?]. Re-heat everything while beating until it begins to stick to the fingers, then make into little shapes and eat with wafers.

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