Untitled Recipe (chocolate meringue), 1907

Libro de Resetas (sic), su dueña Susana Irazoqui Palacios, ink manuscript, Julio 9, 1907. laid-in recipe between folios 30 and 31.

This week, we continue exploring Susana’s 1907 manuscript cookbook. I was intrigued by this recipe in particular, because it is the only one on a separate piece of paper (rather than written in the notebook itself) and also the only one without a title. Perhaps this was something Susana was served by a friend or relative and then asked them to write out the reciep for her to make again. Then again, it might also have been added by a later owner of the cookbook–perhaps a sister or a niece.

Sin titulo (merengue de chocolate)

Claras 2, azucar pulverizado 250 gramos, una cucharada grande de leche, una cuchrada de vainilla, 120 grams chocolate, 5 grams mantequilla. Se baten las claras a punto de turron, y se les agrega despacio el azucar, leche, vainilla, y chocolate fundido con la mantequilla. Se bate hasta que esté de consistencia tersa y se baña el pastel. Si se quiere se pone como relleno o betun, poniendole coco o muy picada.

Untitled (chocolate meringue)

2 egg whites, 250 grams powdered sugar, a tablespoon of milk, a spoon-full of vanilla, 120 grams chocolate, 5 grams butter. Beat the egg whites until stiff, and then slowly add the rest of the ingredients (first, melt the chocolate and butter together). Beat everything until smooth and then use this to cover a cake. If you like, you can use this recipe as a stuffing or a topping, or mix it with finely chopped coconut.

In the Kitchen…

I was intrigued by this recipe, but not quite willing to use un-cooked meringue to frost a cake, so instead I decided to make the meringue, but then bake it in small clumps, like cookies. Here’s what I did:


2 egg whites (at room temperature)
1 cup powdered sugar
1 tablespoon milk
1 teaspoon vanilla
4 oz. 70% dark chocolate
1 tsp. margarine
2 cups coconut


First, beat the egg whites to stiff peaks. This works best if they are at room temperature.

Meanwhile, melt the chocolate and butter together over very low heat.

Slowly beat in the sugar, milk, vanilla, and melted butter and chocolate.

Use a spatula to fold in the coconut.

Drop large spoon-fulls onto a cookie sheet lined with parchment paper, and bake at 225 degrees Fahrenheit for 90 minutes.


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  1. If you wanted to make something that follows the recipe without the uncooked part, you can make a “swiss meringue.” Mix the sugar and egg whites, then heat over a stove until warm. You know it is “done” when you can rub some of the egg whites between your hand and it no longer feels gritty.

    I may try this soon!

    1. You’re probably right. Some of her recipes specify “Bakers Chocolate americano,” so since this one simply says “chocolate,” I think that implies she intended to use “regular” chocolate. I picked this recipe for a kitchen-test at the last minute, so I just used some chocolate that I had on hand, but if you had time to plan ahead, then buying Mexican chocolate would definitely give a more authentic flavor.

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