Salsa Picante 1985 (Spicy Salsa)

Recipe from Metcalfe de Plata, Edith. Cocina mexicana vegetariana : típicas y sabrosas recetas a base de ingredientes integrales. México : Edaf Mexicana, 1985. P. 63. [TX837 .M53518 1985].

Book Cocina Mexicana Vegetariana by Edit Metcalfe de Plata

Try this fresh salsa on a winter day to bring a breath of summer into your kitchen. Next week, we’ll be posting a vegetarian enchilada recipe, also from Edith Metcalfe de Plata, that uses this salsa as a filling.

Salsa Picante

Ninguna comida Mexicana estará complete sin su correspondiente salsa picante. Si menciona esta salsa en cualquier parte de México, todo el mundo sabrá lo que quiere decir. La puede conserver indefinidamente en el frigorífico e incluso congelarla. Pero los mexicanos la perparan todos los días:

  • 50 gr. de cebolla picada
  • 1/4 kg. de tomates o tomatillos picados
  • chiles Annaheim o pimientos comunes picados
  • 1-3 jalapeños bien picados
  • 2 cucharadas de vinagre de sidra
  • 1 pizca de sal marina
  • 2 cucharadita de azúcar de caña sin refinar
  • 1 cucharadita de cilantro fresco, picado

Mezcle todos los ingredientes en un tarro y métalo en el frigorifico.

Salsa Picante

No Mexican meal is complete without its corresponding salsa picante. If you mention this salsa anywhere in Mexico, everyone will know what you wish to say. It can be kept indefinitely in the refrigerator or even frozen. However, in Mexico, it is prepared usually fresh every day.

  • 1/3 cup chopped onion
  • 1/2 pound tomatoes or tomatillos
  • Annaheim chiles or whatever chiles are commonly available, chopped
  • 1-3 jalapenos, chopped finely
  • 2 tablespoons of cider vinegar
  • 1 pinch of sea salt
  • 2 teaspoons of unrefined cane sugar
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh cilantro, chopped.

Mix all of the ingredients in a jar and keep in the refrigerator.


Note: I used 2 anaheim chiles and 2 jalapenos in my kitchen-test of this recipe, which produced a hot, but not burning-hot, salsa. If your hands are chapped by the winter weather, though, you might want to consider wearing gloves while handling the chopped Anaheim chiles, as the oils can really make your hands feel like they are burning.

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    1. Unfortunately, this book does not specify the recipe depicted on the front. It looks to me like it could be large avocados or perhaps some type of green squash stuffed with grain and raisins; however, I cannot find a recipe of that description in the book. There is a stuffed squash recipe, but the stuffing is composed of lentils, so I think it is unlikely to be the one. Nonetheless, I’ll post it on Friday and you can see what you think. Sorry I can’t give you a more definitive answer.

      1. On reading more closely, the squash recipe mentioned above cannot be the one depicted on the cover, as it calls specifically for “calabacines,” which is generally used specifically for zucchini. I think the cover image may simply be an artistic still life of ingredients used in the cookbooks, rather than a specific recipe.

        For your interest, though, this is the stuffed zucchini recipe from page 94 of Cocina Mexicana Vegetariana by Edith Metcalfe de Plata:

        Calabacitas Rellenas con Lentejas Asadas (Para 6 personas)

        1 ¼ kg. de lentejas cocidas
        1 ½ kg. de calabacines partidos por la mitada a lo largo y sin semillas
        75 gr. de cebolla picada
        4 cucharadas de aceite de sésamo
        150 gr. de migas de pan fresco
        150 gr. de queso fuerte rallado
        ½ cucharadita de estos ingredients: sal marina, pimiento negra recién molida, chile en polvo, rábano picante, chile de Jamaica y ajo en polvo, nata agria y champiñones partidos en laminas

        1)Reparta las lentejas en seis cazuelitas individuals, engrasadas con mantequilla o en una cazuela grande también engrasada.
        2)Coloque los calabacines encima de las lentejas, mezcle suavemente las cebolla, aceite, migas de pan, queso y condimentos.
        3)Coloque la mezcla dentro de los calabacines y gratine el plato hasta que el queso esté burbujeante. Adórnelo con nata agria y champiñones.

        Grilled Zucchini Stuffed with Lentils (Serves 6)

        1 ¼ kg. cooked lentils
        1 ½ kg. zucchini cut in half and seeded
        75 gr. chopped onion
        4 tablespoons sesame oil
        150 gr. fresh bread crumbs
        150 gr. grated sharp cheese
        ½ teaspoon of these ingredients: sea salt, freshly ground black pepper, chile powder, horseradish, chile de Jamaica and garlic powder, nata agria and sliced mushrooms.

        1)Divide the lentils into six individual ramekins, greased with butter, or in a large pan (also greased).
        2)Place the zucchini on top of lentils. Gently mix the onion, oil, bread crumbs, cheese and seasonings.
        3)Place the mixture into the zucchini and broil until cheese is bubbly. Garnish with sour cream and mushrooms.

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